Marketing Day – Oslo

What is Marketing Day? It’s a community driven event for learning and sharing. Our events are when end users and partners/consultants get together to share their experience and learn from each other. Marketing Day cover content on D365 Customer Insights and other relevant technology or processes!

Thank you for attending. Slide decks will be shared at a later time.

Date: 13.02.2025 | Location: At Eika’s offices – Parkveien 61, 0254 Oslo
Topic: Customer Insights – Data
13:30 – Registration and mingle

13.45 – Eika will share their experience with Customer Insights – Data and how they use it.
14.30 – Break & mingle
15 – Carl Jacob from CGI will share Best practices for implementing CI-D with a Norwegian setup. Challenges and opportunities for Norwegian customers of CI-D
15.45 – Closing of event

Sponsor: EIKA


Without Eika, this event would not be possible!
Thank you!



