Marketing Day – Oslo

Want to join us for a day of Dynamics 365 Marketing learning and sharing?
What is the Marketing Day? It’s a community driven event for learning and sharing. Our events are when end users and partners/consultants get together to share their experience and learn from each other.

Date: 20.10.2023 | Location: Virke, Sollie Plass | Agenda: Event Management and CI-D+J

09:00 – Registration
09:10 – Welcome
09:20 – Event Management with Scottish Summit
10:00 – Event Registration without forms!
10:10 – Event Management in RT-Journeys
11:00 – CI-J personalization with CI-D and Web tracking
11:50 – Next event
12:00 – Goodbye!

(if people want to grab lunch together, we’ll reserve a place but you pay for your own food!)

Sponsor: Virke
Without Virke we’d not be able to get this day together! Thank you!



